— urge greater visibility and professionalism during Year end Season
Top Cop Mr Clifton Hicken, along with Deputy Commissioner ‘Administration’ (ag) Mr Calvin Brutus, Commander of Regional Police Division #7 Mr Dion Moore, and Police Finance Officer Mr Bharat Persaud, met with the Ranks of Regional Police Division #7 on Thursday (November 17th, 2022) at the Boardroom of the Bartica Municipality Building on First Avenue, Bartica Town,Region Seven.
The Top Cop told Ranks they need to up their Game, and increase their presence, and visibility, during the upcoming Christmas Season.
Mr Hicken stressed that each of the 12 Regional Police Divisions should adopt an increased Police presence, working in conjunction with Private Security Agencies, Community Policing Groups, and other Stakeholders to ensure a higher Degree of Visibility than the regular Police setting.
“We expect to see CPGs with their Attachments working in conjunction with the Police. We expect you to have a Registry of the Number of Security Services in Bartica, and that you work in conjunction with those Services. We expect the Rural Constables to come out and support the Initiative of Christmas Policing,” Commissioner Hicken posited.
In his passionate Charge, the Top Cop stressed the importance of Professionalism in the Police Force and reminded the Ranks present that they are the “face of the Guyana Police Force” and must adhere to the SOPs, and other established Procedures.
“You are Ambassadors of this noble Organisation, the Faces of the Organisation, the broader Side of the Pyramid. You are at the operational Level of the Pyramid, which means you are interacting with Members of the Public daily, more frequently than us at the Senior Level,” Mr Hicken told the Ranks.
As a Result, he told the Ranks that their interaction with Members of the Public whom they are tasked with serving and protecting would speak volumes about the Guyana Police Force. “Your Actions will impact the Organisation positively or negatively. In this regard, you must always maintain Ethical Standards,” Mr Hicken declared.
Several Initiatives are planned to be implemented throughout the Season. These include 24-Hours deployments of Foot, Traffic, Static, Anti-Crime, and Vehicular Patrols in high-Crime Areas across the Country. This is expected to reduce Crime while also improving Traffic flow.
Mr Hicken noted that this Posture would be bolstered by the addition of Police Ranks in high-Traffic Areas. At the same time, the Force will also conduct Community Outreach Programmes to educate Citizens on how to remain safe during the Holiday Season.
In his Remarks, Deputy Commissioner of Administration (ag) Mr Calvin Brutus noted that the Guyana Police Force Administration is now going around in all Police Regional Divisions to meet with Ranks on the ground.
The Deputy Commissioner of Administration (ag) also used the Opportunity to point out to the Ranks that their responsibility continues beyond the “Call of Duty”, noting that Professionalism must be maintained whether they are in or out of Uniform.
While alluding to the importance of Ranks taking their Work seriously, Mr Brutus said: “We need to re-focus ourselves in the right Direction, remembering that our Mandate is for Service and Protection, and we re-visit the Oath in Chapter 16:01 Section 13”. Mr Brutus also admonished the Ranks to go through Chapter 16:01 “slowly, Line by Line, and you will see the Value of the Oath that you took and the great responsibility that is placed upon your Shoulders from that same Oath”.
The Guyana Police Force on Tuesday announced it’s Plans for “beefing up” Security across the Country, in all 12 Regional Police Divisions, during the upcoming Christmas Season.
The Force revealed the Security Arrangements during it’s comprehensive Christmas Policing Presentation at the Police Officers’ Mess, Eve Leary, Georgetown City.
The ‘Christmas policing Posture’ commenced on November 15th, 2022, and ends on January 15th, 2023.
Later in the Day, scores of Residents turned out to meet with the Top Cop and his Team to highlight and discuss a Number of topical Issues surrounding best Practices for Ranks, and Security concerns that are affecting their Community.
Along those Lines, the Top Cop further informed the Residents that “no haphazard behaviour” by Police Force Members would be tolerated, declaring that under his Direction, the Force’s Ethical Standards would be upheld.
Further on, he spoke extensively on the integration of “School Dropouts” into Society.
Thereafter, urging Members of the Community to create a conducive Atmosphere that can aid in the furnishing of Youths.
So while reflecting on his Childhood upbringing, the Commissioner alluded to the important Role that Members of the Community play in inculcating Values in the Children of their Community. He reminded those gathered that it takes a Village to raise a Child.
To further shed Light on the strengthening of Police-Community Relations, the Top Cop made reference to the official Launch of the GPF Community Relations Department back in June, which is tasked with building, and fostering a Professional, and collaborative Partnership through Positive Engagement, and Public Trust between the Police and the Community; and promoting safe Communities by reducing the Fear of Crime, especially in vulnerable Communities, and among vulnerable Groups.
In light of that, the Commander of Regional Division # 7 Senior Superintendent, Mr. Dion Moore was instructed by the Top Cop to have the Youths partake in Sports Activities, which would, in turn, help them to move in a Positive Direction.
The Commander was also charged with keeping the Drug Awareness Program alive within the Schools in the Region, which the Top Cop said is a collaborative Effort between the Guyana Police Force, and the Ministry of Education.
In closing, the Top Cop reminded the Residents of the importance of ‘Community togetherness’, noting, ‘Live in Love and Harmony collectively, and you will have a happy Community,’ the Top Cop urged the Gathering.
(Report and Photographs by Sergeant Gonsalves and Sergeant Lewis)